Letter to the Editor: Kudos for Supervisors

Letter to the Editor: Kudos for Supervisors

To the Editor:

This week’s story "Board Approves Bicycle Master Plan" (Oct. 29), discussed a major update to the county's transportation planning. Although the county did not list climate change as one of the major factors in its decision, this plan will help county travelers reduce their carbon footprint. That is an important benefit to everyone in the county, regardless of whether they commute by bicycle. Climate change causes increased respiratory conditions, and these diseases are likely to get worse as the climate gets hotter. As a veteran of the health care industry, I care about these illnesses and the costs associated with them. Many legislative bodies are coming to the same conclusion. For example, the board's decision puts it in line with that of the U.S. Catholic bishops, who recently voted to support limits on carbon pollution such as those in the EPA's Clean Power Plan. Regardless of what faith we come from or how we get to work, these decisions put everyone at less risk for health conditions associated with climate change. Kudos to the board for its wise decision.

Eileen Erbengi

Falls Church