Letter: Another Look at Gun Control

Letter: Another Look at Gun Control

Letter to the Editor

To the Editor:

The photos illustrating the front page Gun Shop Protest article of September 30 - October 6, 2015 clearly demonstrate the diversity of our McLean community. I would suggest that many of our diverse residents have in some way, shape or form fled repressive regimes in far-away lands. One thing those regimes usually share are gun controls. Many of our residents might wish to ponder the connection between the repression they fled and the guns they were denied by those repressive regimes. While America too often suffers unspeakable horrors from maniacs using guns, our guns serve as a bulwark against government tyranny. Having raised three children in the McLean schools, I sympathize with the worries some parents have about the NOVA Firearms shop that recently opened. I cannot but help thinking that much of the inspiration for this protest comes from a generalized interest in what has come to be called gun control.

Janie Strauss' reported remarks were really over the top - she is reported to wanting to find some way to shut down this business. Danielle Grae's independence is also called into question when she reports hundreds of protesters when the Connection's own published photos show no more than a few score of protesters.

Nicholas Kalis
