Letter: The Price of Littering

Letter: The Price of Littering

To the Editor

To the Editor:

Did you know $11.5 billion is spent every year to clean up litter?

Surprisingly this much money is used for litter clean up. If each of us try a bit more of discipline and application of basic knowledge about the effects of litter, imagine how much money could be saved and used for other more important services. But instead people in this world have become so lazy that they can’t go to a trash can and just put their garbage in it. Instead they just drop their trash on the ground, that ends up going into the sewers, then into the ocean.

Nine billion tons of litter ends up in the ocean every year.

This is more than the amount of trash generated every year which is 250 million. This is one of the reasons why so many fish kill reports happen almost every day. Many endangered animals are losing their homes, also their food resources. This is thanks to the contribution of the billions of litter we produce.

On earth day I went around McLean cleaning up trash. I did it for probably two hours and probably found 20 pounds of trash. I had to take about 8 bags home through that day. Probably about 50 percent of that trash was cigarret buds, lots of litter is fast food, also there was a lot of metal, and plastic bags.

I hope this has changed your thoughts on litter, please go to the website, and have a good day.

Alexander Manoogian
