Plant a Tree in Your Front Yard with McLean Trees Foundation

Plant a Tree in Your Front Yard with McLean Trees Foundation

Homeowner Jason Kitson (center) plants a Redbud tree with MTF volunteers Carol Wolter and Ray Lewyckyj.

Homeowner Jason Kitson (center) plants a Redbud tree with MTF volunteers Carol Wolter and Ray Lewyckyj. Photo contributed

Welcome spring and beautify your neighborhood by planting a native tree in your front yard with the help of the McLean Trees Foundation (MTF).

“Trees beautify community, improve our health and the environment, increase property values, and reduce heating and cooling costs for homeowners,” said Brenda Frank, Chairman of MTF. “But the most important benefit is that trees make you happy.”

MTF’s Neighborhood Tree program, the first program in Fairfax County to assist homeowners in planting trees, teaches homeowners to select, plant, and care for trees. Since the program’s inception in 2014, McLean participating homeowners have planted more than 50 native trees in their front yards.

To plant a tree, the homeowner sends MTF an application, found on the MTF website. Then MTF volunteers visit the homeowner to discuss the program, review the property, and suggest the “right tree for the right place.” Under this subsidized program, the homeowner pays only $50 for a 6 to 12 feet tall tree.

“It’s a bargain, for the homeowner, the neighborhood, and the environment, said Chairman Frank. “Plant some happiness in your yard this spring.”

More information can be found on MTF’s website: